

Ladies' favourite: How Barack Obama wooed women's votes
A new study reveals that women are more attracted to men who have a ring finger longer than their index finger.
The report from the British Royal Society’s journal, Biological Sciences, reveals that women are drawn to the tell-tale signs of high testosterone levels, such as a symmetrical face, a deeper voice and, bizarrely, a ‘masculine’ long fourth finger.
So which of these handsome — and not so gorgeous — gents fits the formula?
Mr Darcy: Colin Firth has got the magic touch
Ladies men? You Jolie well know Hollywood heart-throb Brad Pitt measures up; but Royal hellraiser Prince Harry, right, falls short
WAG magnet: Footballer David Beckham is a shortie, but is still able to score at will
The X Factor: Pop svengali Simon Cowell's got the X-tended Factor, and actor Daniel Craig is an agent of seduction
Vince Cable's fault again? David Cameron seems less likely to have luck with the ladies
It's not an act: At least not for George Clooney; but former Doctor Who David Tennant has put in a less than convincing performance
Gathers no moss: Rolling Stone Mick Jagger CAN get satisfaction
Style icons: It's a snip for Scissorhands Johnny Depp; while, right, it's hat's off to ladies man Jude Law
Licence to thrill: Former 007 Sean Connery is the real Goldfinger
No lonely heart for long: Paul McCartney's well equipped for plucking those sexy bass notes
Dream on Prezza: Bending your finger, as the former deputy prime minister is here, doesn't count
source: dailymail
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