Besides the serious issue of the repeatedly flat diet coke, everything about this trip has been truly incredible. After another voyage out to sea to snorkel around the reef and a tanning session in the burning sun surrounded by bridal magazines, my sister and I grabbed our pina colada filled coconuts and desided to explore the breathtaking resort. Somewhere between the poolside bar and outdoor gym, a manager approached us and asked if we wanted to participate in the resort's fashion show. A little bit of LA right here. A chance to rock some ultra fabulous "Jamaican wear" and strut on a runway for their resort was too good to pass up. As we followed the manager through the resort we were confused when we reached our destination... the gift shop? Huh? In her delightful Jamaican accent she instructed us to go in and pick which ever items we wanted, but to make sure they were in Jamaica's colors. Now this gift shop had a total of two options for us. The first being a one piece with cutouts, a la Ellen Pompeo's fash fail, and a tankini. As my sister and I found ourselves standing in front of the "Bob Marley" dreadlock hats arguing over who gets the tankini we decided it was time to plan an escape. After cleverly sneaking away from the gift shop attendant, the manager, and the event coordinator, we were able to flee from the fashion show. Needless to say the models for the show ended up being three kids under the age of 5 and an employee. Fashion bullet dodged. After purchasing some amazing handmade earrings from the locals, we had an incredible four course French meal and took tons of pictures at sunset. Below's a little taste of our trip thus far. xoxo
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