Step 1
The first step is to confirm whether or not the company follows a dress code. You can call up the receptionist or the secretary of the firm and get first hand information on how the company expects their employees to dress.
Step 2
The location or the work environment is an important aspect to consider, the dressing style would vary according to it only. If you have to work in a library located in a strip mall then sweaters and slacks would make a nice choice, but if its a corporate office then a suave business suit would definitely be the perfect dress to wear. One can go for pantsuit teamed up with sweater or blouse for an informal office.

Step 3
Shoes make an integral part of the entire dress and your overall appearance hence, it should not be neglected at all. Closed-toe shoes, pumps or loafers should be the ultimate options to choose from. Fancy sandals and stilettos should be avoided at all cost. In case you are wearing a skirt, make sure you wear nylons with it.
Step 4
There are certain dress items which strictly don't stand a place in the professional environment. Miniskirts, close fitted sweaters or t-shirts, sloppy overalls are a big no-no for office purposes. Make sure you look smart and chic rather than sleazy and casual on the very first meeting.
Step 5
Closely check your dress for holes, tears, stains, scuffs or wrinkles as any of these obviously do not make a good impression.
Step 6
One has to be very careful with make up for interviews. Make up should be carried as minimal as possible besides jewelry too needs to be avoided. A trendy hot lip color or a fancy nose ring can cost you your dream job. Excessive use of hair spray and perfume should also be avoided.
Step 7
Your hair, nails, hems and the shine on the shoes should be impeccable. A little carelessness on these areas can skip you from appearing as an impressive personality across the interview desk.
Step 8
Make sure that you carry a smart briefcase or portfolio rather than an oversized put-everything-inside handbag. A casual all purpose bag gives a very disorganized feel to the overall appearance.
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