Friday afternoon was the most traumatic day of my life. I returned home around two in the afternoon to discover my little Maltese, Maddox, was no where to be found. I ran in every room, pulled out his favorite treats, double checked all of his favorite go-to hiding places, to no prevail. It was the scariest few minutes of my life. So many thoughts ran through my head. I couldn't understand what could have happened. I ran into the hall and that's when I saw, what I couldn't believe I had missed upon entering... blood everywhere.
Before I could even comprehend it, I heard screaming and crying in the apartment across the hall. I knew something had happened. The next chain of events were surreal and quick. Our neighbor told me her two pitbulls, which aren't allowed to be in the building, broke into our apartment and dragged Maddox into the hall, and now he was missing. My heart was pounding. Tears pouring. All of a sudden her friend rounded the corner with Maddox bleeding profusely and wrapped in a jacket. I grabbed him and ran. There wasn't time for questions.
I jumped in my car, called Justin, and somehow made it to the closest animal hospital within minutes. I darted inside, leaving my car looking like a crime scene. I was covered in blood and shaking. Everyone at the hospital instantly went to work. His wounds were horrible. He had wounds all over his body, the worst being his neck. I couldn't compose myself, but thankfully the woman at the hospital were beyond helpful and incredibly nice. After surgery things started to look up and I'm glad to say he's going to be ok, but the real struggle is yet to come. When we were able to digest everything, the neighbors who were also living there without the office knowing, had fled with the dogs. What's important now is that I realize how beyond lucky and blessed I am that my little fighter made it out of this nightmare alive. Living through your worst fear, is your worst fears worst fear.
I'm going to be taking a few days off from the blog to tend to my baby and try to recover from the beyond traumatizing situation, but I promise to be back on Wednesday. Please keep Maddox in your prayers and I'll be sure to keep you all posted. Thanks for all the support.
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