Last night, which I thought was going to be just another night of dining out, turned into being the most amazing night of my entire life. My extremely incredible and ultra creative boyfriend of almost 9 years whisked me away, blindfolded and in heels, to a Hollywood studio where he proceeded to ask the question I've been waiting years to hear. It all started when halfway to the restaurant he pulled out a blindfold and requested I cover my eyes. My heart instantly started racing. Was it finally going to happen? Was this the moment? Seconds into wearing the blindfold I started to get teary eyed. Justin later told me he saw the tears drop from the blindfold to my cheek and his nerves instantly went away. It was the moment we had both been waiting for.
So there I was, surrounded in a world of darkness, when I hear the car stop, which might as well have been my heart at that point. I had no idea where we were and a million emotions were running through my body, but I had faith something extraordinarily was about to happen. He led me into the studio, which I knew was large and empty because his voice and my heels were echoing, and told me to count backwards from 10 out loud before taking off my blindfold. The little detail of having me countdown backwards was so effective and exciting that I couldn't wait to get to 1. By 8 I couldn't stop shaking and by 4 the tears were falling. When I took off the blindfold I discovered I was in front of a giant video he had edited together. It was projected on the white wall of the sound stage and was twice as big as a theater screen. As the footage rolled, the memories of the past nine years played. Video footage of us at 16 proclaiming how we'd survive high school and college and be together forever. You see, we've filmed everything our whole lives. Every moment was on tape, all the way down to us moving across the country together.
I cried the entire time, but none more than when the last image faded away and the text started to fade in. It read as follows "I've waited 9 years... To ask you one question..." As the text faded to black, I anxiously waited for what was to come next, then, it simply read... "Turn around.” When I did, there he was... tears in his eyes. As a collage of dozens of black and white photos of us filled the wall, he got down on one knee and said the most beautiful and touching words I've ever heard. And of course... I SAID YES! We instantly called my family back in Alabama who Justin had told to wait by the phone for the big news. It couldn't have been more beautiful. There's dozens of more little personal details that make it all the more special, but we'll keep those to ourselves. Now it's time to pack for JAMAICA! We're flying out tomorrow to celebrate with my amazing family. Can't wait for all the wedding planning. Stay tuned. xo.
In honor of my engagement bliss, I wanted to share with you pictures from Nicole Richie’s incredibly beautiful Beverly Hills wedding! Enjoy!
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