Last weekend TLC's golden mommy, Kate Gosselin arrived at the 137th Kentucky Derby in Louisville, Kentucky looking a little less than acceptable. Kate's lace overlay dress with black ribbon stripes wasn't too shameful, but it was her over sized sombrero like Derby hat that sent her into major fash fail territory. Like I said, the dress could be decent but that thing on her head, which I can only assume was a family art project for a future episode of "Kate Plus 8" is so wrong. Big extreme hats are a must at the famous Derby, but even this is a little much. Not to mention the odd feathers dangling off the brim. Don't get me wrong, I'm actually a mild fan of the super mom and have stood up for her many times in the past. I think any woman who can be in this good of shape, raise 8 none institutionalized children and put up with an Ed Hardy billboard of an ex-husband, deserves major credit. But when it comes to fashion... Well, there's a reason Kate Plus 8 is on TLC and not Style. You're gorgeous Kate, let's leave the embarrassing days behind with those awful Dancing with the Stars memories. What do you think of Kate's Kentucky Derby get up?
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