In honor of tonight's season premiere of The Rachel Zoe Project, I decided to rock one of Rachel's all time favorite go-to fash items... the always fabulous, one shoulder dress. The instant I spotted this black and white Bar III maxi dress I knew a Zoe moment was in my future. Hollywood's number one stylist to the stars is forever fashionable, fabulous, and everything in between, which is why she's not only my fashion icon, but also my biggest career inspiration. I lit-er-ally have to force myself not to post about her everyday. Every outfit she dons could easily be my fash fave. I'm still on a high from spotting her watching my photo shoot in Beverly Hills last month. (Click here to see the pictures) Season 4 of The Rachel Zoe Project premieres tonight at 10/9c on Bravo, which means you know what I'll be doing! I can't wait to see Rachel pre and post pregnancy styling Hollywoods hottest and obviously most stylish celebrities. If anyone can balance the work and home overload, it's RZ. Below are some of Rachel's to die for twitpics that only further exhibit why she is my style icon. Are you excited for the new season of The Rachel Zoe Project?
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