I absolutely love October. Between the cool breezes, candy corn, Hocus Pocus, and sprinkling pumpkin spice like glitter on everything I possibly can, I can't find a single reason not to love this transitional month. When it comes to October essentials, pumpkin carving is a must, which is why after a fabulous weekend which included a photo shoot on the gorgeous UCLA campus and a late night showing of Footloose (I totally recommend it) I ended Sunday night with homemade vegetarian chili, caramel apples, and some much needed pumpkin festivities. Instead of going all Edward Scissorhands on this years pumpkin (I'm still traumatized after a horrible pumpkin molding incident last year) I opted for a more Martha Stewart approach which is much more creative and way more fun. Plus any excuse to have a glittery centerpiece on my dinner table is a good enough one for me. While the paint dried, I made some delicious caramel apples, which always remind me of my sister. We love splitting the super indulgent ones we get from our favorite old candy store, but I think they taste even better homemade! Below are more pictures of my fall festivities. Fash Boulevard is going to be filled with Halloween goodies this week, so be sure to stop back by. Xo
Something Extra: At a friends party last year I chose to carve a tiny fish face into my pumpkin thinking the manual labor would be less intense. I seriously underestimated how much strength it takes to cut into a pumpkin. Carving is definitely not my calling.
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