Halloween in Hollywood is like no other I have ever witnessed. Imagine your greatest trick or treating experience and times it by ten. As a city known for being over the top, this annual haunted night is no exception, which is why I felt a ridiculous amount of pressure last year to have an ultra fabulous costume. I literally had multiple options, all store bought and ready to go. It wasn't until the night before that I realized I'd be much happier making a costume from scratch. With nothing but a black dress and some Fall decor laying around, I immediately started brainstorming. I had remembered seeing a giant spider a week earlier at a store and instantly got an idea. I'd be a black widow... and have it be a play on words. I quickly tore apart the decor of spiderwebs we had around the house and went to town. I bent the giant spider legs around my body so the spider's body mimicked a shoulder pad. A look I'd like to think would make Gaga proud. For the rest, I threw on a black veil, created a boa out of spider webs and amped up my eye makeup. With a costume finally set in stone, my fiance and our bestie set out for the heart of Hollywood to celebrate All Hallows' Eve LA style. Naturally, we hit up Hollywood Blvd. Our first stop was Geisha House, which ditched their daytime restaurant decor and turned into a super over the top Halloween themed nightclub. After making a few rounds we headed to the grand opening of The Supperclub. Thanks to my fiance's connections we got the VIP treatment! The club was filled with retro white couches and Cirque du Soleil style aerial acts, which for a girl growing up in the southeast this was pretty insane and incredibly fabulous. After some creepy run-ins with Shrek, Gumby and a Richard Simmons look-alike it was a refreshing surprise to spot Talon from Laguna Beach stumbling down the blvd! :) Below are some pictures of my first Halloween in Hollywood. What are you guys doing this Halloween?
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