Never one to opt for convenience over adventure, my sister, fiance, and half of my wardrobe jumped into my white SUV and migrated east to Vegas over the weekend. Since I've been on a plane every month this year including this one I decided to avoid the stress of flying and hit the open road. Plus, the mountains along the way are way more breathtaking from the ground. When we arrived in Vegas we were seriously blown away by our room at Aria. The newest resort on the strip is breathtaking and the rooms have every upgrade and technology you can dream of. My weekend in Vegas included a bubble bath, a robe moment, room service, the mini bar, getting trapped in the drapes due to the overwhelming amounts of technology in the room and much more that's probably best left in Vegas. I also basically moved in with all of my jewelry, clothing, and Giuseppe Zanotti shoes, of course. Let's just say my Vegas moment appropriately did not include sleep and was filled with insane antics that are now the product of some seriously funny inside jokes. Below are more pictures from my Vegas adventures. xo

Sure this wasn't the smartest or safest idea, but I attempted and with a little sibling help... I conquered!
Can I please wake up to this every morning?
Everything runs on a remote, so when a failed attempt to turn on the TV trapped me behind a sea of insanely heavy curtains, you can imagine my fear... Luckily I emerged okay!
The countdown begins...
First red carpet moment with my sister!
Abby with GZ's Kate Middleton inspired heel... Amaze!
After standing for three hours our feet were obviously killing us. Sitting down was only logical... Why we chose to sit on the high and uncomfortable marble fountain over the low and comfy couch twenty feet to our right is still unclear... Like I tell Justin "Don't judge. Just photograph."
I have a confession to make... I'm secretly short!
I could attempt to explain, but the picture says it all... literally.
The rest of the pictures will be saved strictly for blackmail. But if you've seen this post from our trip to Jamaica, you know what we're capable of.
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