This week my pick for Fabulous Friday is a beyond amazing ad campaign for Giuseppe Zanotti shoes. I'm completely shoe obsessed so of course I loved the ad the second I saw it!
This campaign is ultra brilliant and instantly gives me the urge to be outside basking in some serious sun rays. I'm dying over his Spring/Summer 2011 collection... Especially the sandals with the bow. They're probably the only pair of flats I would be caught dead in. My new nickname for flats is "fats" because they just don't do any accentuating to your body. This past February Zanotti opened one of his super posh stores right here in the beautifully fabulous Beverly Hills and of course every celeb under the Hollywood sun turned out for the opening!
Celebrities love him, I love him and hopefully now you too will share the fash crush. Check out the beyond amazing Spring/Summer 2011 campaign! Are you guys loving the nautical theme?
Something Extra: Check out this super cute video of Giuseppe Zanotti talking about one of his favorite shoes from the collection. How incredible are his drawings? I would die for one. Oh, and make sure you watch his majorly funny comment and expression at the 1:30 marker. You'll fall in love with him in seconds.
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